Our Journal

Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is a non-surgical treatment, and works by delivering impulses of energy, targeted to specific damaged tissues within the abnormal tendon.

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Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens

Upper Back Pain

Your upper back is the most complex area of your spine due to the way the joints work and the number of joints in this region.

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Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens

Neck Trauma

Neck trauma is a relatively common injury that occurs to a person's neck following a sudden acceleration-deceleration force, most commonly from motor vehicle accidents. 

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Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens

Middle Back Pain

Middle Back Pain is not as common as  neck pain or pain in the lower back because this area of the spine is not bent as often as the rest of the back. 

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Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens


Headaches occur in all ages and walks of life. There are many types of headaches from sinus to migraines to toxic, to the most common type, the tension or ‘stress’ headaches. 

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Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens

Shoulder Pain

The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body and is often affected by problems that limit the range of movement in the joint.

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Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens

Degenerative Arthritis

It’s a type of Arthritis that is caused by the breakdown and eventual loss of the cartilage of one or more joints.

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Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens

Hip Pain

Hip Pain is the discomfort in or around the hip joint, where the upper end of the thigh bone fits into the socket of the hip bone.

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Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens

Functional Scoliosis

Scoliosis causes an abnormal curvature of the spine. The degree of scoliosis may range from mild to severe. 

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Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens

Herniated Disk

The vertebrae are the bony building blocks of our spine. Between each of the largest vertebrae are the discs. The spine is ‘stacked’ together to provide a moveable support structure while also protecting the spinal cord.

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Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens

Elbow Pain

Elbow pain or Tennis elbow isn’t just caused by playing tennis. It is caused by a strain to the extensor tendons in the forearm. Repeated movements of the wrist can aggravate the pain.

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Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens

Joint Pain

The SIJ’s are located at the bottom of the back. You have one either side of the spine. The main causes are that the cartilage can get damaged or worn away and therefore the bones begin to rub on each other.

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Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens

Lower back pain

Understanding lower back pain is important as it has numerous side affects on the rest of our bodies.

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Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens

Sports injuries

Nearly all of injuries generally fit into two groups: 1) traumatic injury, such as a slip, fall, or collision and, 2) repetitive stress or overuse injury.

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Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens

Foot Dysfunctions

No one shares the same foot structure. Many of us rarely give our feet a second thought, until they cause us pain.

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Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens

Knee pain

The Knee is the largest and one of the most complex joints in the body.

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Brett Gibbens Brett Gibbens

Nerve Irritation

A nerve irritation or pinched nerve is caused when a nerve is somehow damaged or injured by direct pressure or compression. 

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