Terms of service.


Payment is normally made at the end of each session, or paid in advance for a set number of sessions. Cash or card are the only forms of payment we currently accept. The therapist will endeavour to give you as much advance notice as possible in terms of holidays or of any other need to cancel a future appointment.

Health Plan Payments

If your plan is not listed on our website, we will be unable to file a claim on your behalf. However, we can provide you with a form that you can submit to your insurance company to instruct them to send reimbursements directly to you. Please be aware that with any health plans, there may be deductibles or excesses for which you could be responsible.

Cancellations or missed appointments

If you are unable to attend your appointment please let us know as soon as possible. The required notice for cancellation or postponements is 24 hours. Where there is less notice, or if you fail to attend your appointment, the full fee will be charged. We hope clients appreciate that it is rarely possible to fill these appointments at such short notice which is why we are obliged to charge for the Therapist’s time


Confidentiality is an integral part of physical therapy and chiropractic treatments. It is vital therefore that the client can trust that everything discussed will remain completely confidential. All information will remain confidential unless both the client and therapist agree to discuss something with a third party. The only circumstance where confidentiality might be broken would be if there was a serious risk to the client’s life; alternatively, in the rare instance where the therapist was liable to civil or criminal court proceedings if they did not disclose client information. If at all possible this would be discussed at length with the client beforehand and everything would be done to safeguard client confidentiality. We will not sell, share, or rent your personal information to any third party or use your e-mail address for unsolicited mail. Any emails sent by this Company will only be in connection with the provision of agreed services and products.

Handling of personal information

BG Sports Chiro holds all records securely and ensures the utmost confidentiality in the treatment of any information held about its clients. No information will be disclosed without the client’s written permission, except under certain rare legal circumstances. All therapists working at multiple locations are fully insured for professional liability and maintain regular supervision for all client work undertaken. We comply with the Data Protection Act 1988.


The content of the BG Sports Chiro website is intended for information only. Whilst utmost care has been taken in the writing of the information presented on the website we cannot guarantee its usefulness or accuracy. We accept no responsibility for any decisions made and accept no liability for any loss or damage based on the information found on this website. Anyone using information offered on this website does so at their own risk and will be considered to have taken full liability and responsibility for any damage or injury arising from its use.

Feedback and Complaints

Our aim is to put our patients needs above all else. We are proud of the service we offer and the relationships between our patients and chiropractor / physical therapist. Open and honest communication normally resolves any concerns but if we are failing in this area, please let us know so we can put it right. Additionally, we also have a complaints procedure in place to help resolve problems quickly. Our complaints procedure comprises three stages.

1. In the first instance, we would encourage you to talk with me first as concerns are best resolved as they arise or within a few days of an issue occurring.

2. If you feel option one is not possible, you may make a formal complaint in writing to me at brett@bgsportschiro.com - Please title the email 'Complaint' and be as specific and detailed as possible so we can investigate the matter thoroughly. We will normally acknowledge your complaint within two working days, then investigate and give you an explanation or invite you to a meeting to discuss your concerns within ten working days.

3. Finally, should none of the first two steps resolve your complaint satisfactorily, you may lodge a formal complaint with the General Chiropractic Council at 44 Wicklow Street, London WC1X 9HL or www.gcc-uk.org. Please be advised that this is a serious and lengthy process and should only be undertaken if stages one to three in the process fail to resolve your complaint.